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The English Translation Of The Holy Qur'an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Q1 The Opening Q39 The Troops  Q77 The Emissaries
Q2 The Cow  Q40 The Believer Q78 The Tidings
Q3 The House of Imran Q41 (signs) Spelled Out Q79 Those Who Drag Forth
Q4 Women Q42 Councel Q80 He Frowned!
Q5 The Table Q43 Ornaments Of Gold Q81 The Overthrowing
Q6 Cattle, Livestock Q44 Smoke Q82 The Cleaving
Q7 The Heights Q45 Crouching Q83 Defrauding
Q8 Spoils of war. Booty Q46 The Wind-curved Sandhills Q84 The Sundering
Q9 Repetance, Dispensation Q47 Muhammad Q85 The Mansions Of The Stars
Q10 Jonah Q48 Victory Q86 The Morning Star
Q11 Hud Q49 The Private Apartments Q87 The Most High
Q12 Joseph Q50 Qaf Q88 The Overwhelming
Q13 The Thunder Q51 The Winnowing Winds Q89 The Dawn
Q14 Abraham Q52 The Mount Q90 The City
Q15 Al-hijr Q53 The Star Q91 The Sun
Q16 The Bee Q54 The Moon Q92 The Night
Q17 Isra Q55 The Beneficent Q93 The Morning Hours
Q18 The Cave Q56 The Event Q94 Solace
Q19 Mary Q57 Iron Q95 The Fig
Q20 Ta-Ha Q58 She That Disputeth Q96 The Clot
Q21 Prophets Q59 Exile Q97 Power
Q22 Pilgrimage Q60 She That Is To Be Examined Q98 The Clear Proof
Q23 Believers Q61 The Ranks Q99 The Earthquake
Q24 Light Q62 The Congregation Q100 The Courser
Q25 The Criterion Q63 The Hypocrites Q101 The Calamity
Q26 Poets Q64 Mutual Disillusion Q102 Rivalry In World Increase
Q27 The Ant Q65 Divorce
Q28 The Story Q66 Banning Q104 The Traducer
Q29 The Spider Q67 The Sovereignty Q105 The Elephant
Q30 The Romans Q68 The Pen Q106 Winter
Q31 Luqman Q69 The Reality Q107 Small Kindnesses
Q32 The Prostration Q70 The Ascending Stairways Q108 Abundance
Q33 The Clans Q71 Noah Q109 The Disbelievers
Q34 Saba
Q72 The Jinn Q110 Succour
Q35 The Angels Q73 The Enshrouded One Q111 Palm Fibre
Q36 Ya-Sin Q74 The Cloaked One Q112 The Unity
Q37 Those Who Set The Ranks Q75 The Rising Of The Dead Q113 The Daybreak
Q38 Sad Q76 Time, Man Q114 Mankind

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