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Chronicle and revision of religious events in Azerbaijan in February 2008

February, 2008


February 1

As a result of operation conducted in Barda 18 members of "Jehovah witnesses" sect were detained.

February 4

State Committee for Work with Religions Structures (SCWRS) conducted 138 seminars- training for religious enlightenment, protection of national traditions and spreading knowledge regulating relations between the state and religion in the regions of the country. Expertise department of SCWRS studied the content of 750 religious books and prevented
The import of 140 book propagandizing religion intolerance and discrimination.

February 5

Ceremony of opening of Lutheran Church built in 1854 by means of the German Community living in that region of Azerbaijan took place. German Community of Technical Cooperation spent 250,000 € on reconstruction of the Church. .
Members of the Milli Mejlis Rovshan Rzayev Malahat Hasanova, The Ambassador of Germany to Azerbaijan Pier Stankin, Chief Executive of Khanlar region and the representatives of German Technical Cooperation Community participated in the opening of the Church.

February 11

Public organization Internews Azerbaijan and the Union of Journalists "Yeni Nesil" conducted seminar "Enlightenment of religious subject in three kinds of mass media" with financial support of the Bureau for democracy questions, US humans rights and labor. The goal of the event is to inform participants of seminar about Islam and other religions. Seminar’s participants studied the basis of audio-video records, and so on). The seminar was conducted by the American Brent Hurd according to the Fulbright Program, and the docent of Baku State University Zeynal Mamedli; participants were from five regions of Azerbaijan, including Zagatala, Mingechaur, Lankaran, Sheki, Sumgayit and Baku, representing three kinds of mass media. More active participants were awarded certificates.

February 12

BBC Radio started realization of the Project "Religion and democracy", said at the press-conference the head of Baku office of BBC Azer Khalilov. He said that 15-16 30-minutes programs will be prepared within the frameworks of the project which will last until the end of May with support of the British embassy. BBC partner in this project is Inam Pluralism Center. Programs will be broadcast every Saturday and Sunday at 20.30 on BBC (103.3 FM). Internet-forum "Islam and democracy’ will be conducted on the site www.mediaforum.az.
Concerning the essence of the Project Azer Khalilov said that its main goal was to determine the role of religion in society, to study democratic principle sand values of Islam.
The had of the Inam Pluralism Center Vahid Gazi said that it is necessary to focus on the Islam and the principles of democracy. First Deputy of the Caucasian Muslims Department (CMD) Salman Musayev supported such projects of the West-East character; he said that western people are misinformed about Islam said that such projects make people closer to each other.
The head of the Mountainous Jewish Community Semen Iikhilov called the project very serious. He said that all three religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity are democratic, but some western sects are interested in the withstand between religions, he said.

February 16

Azerbaijan’s Islamic Party made a statement due to publications of cartoon against the Prophet Mohammed in the in Dutch newspapers. The authors of the statement demand from Danish government to apologize before the Islamic world. They blame the international Zionism for this.
The statements reminded that it is not first insult, therefore, the Islamists demand serious punishment for the guilty, otherwise the members of the Islamic Party will take measures against the Danish embassy in Azerbaijan, and the statement reads.
* However, there is not Danish embassy in Azerbaijan.

February 18

Teacher of Baku School №20 Natalya Melnikova was dismissed from he post by the Director of school for getting numerous remarks during her work, but the letter of one of the parents to the Education Minister Misir Mardanov read that in fact Melnikova was dismissed for her religions views and national belonging (as if she was a wahabit, because she was wearing hijab. According to Melnikova, she did not violate laws of Azerbaijan, did not have any pictures by members of Communist part, presidents, that she has never been a terrorist. School Director condemned her for distributing religious literature among school children, for poor content of lessons, for opposition the celebration of national holidays, as if it run counter Islam’s canons. The level of classes was so low that pupil did not visit school. She did not respect national attributes.

February 20

Seventeen religious communities were registered in Azerbaijan during the last month, SCWRS reported.

February 22

Employees of National Security Ministry (NSM) conducted search in the flats of radical Islamists in the Balakan region, 313 copies of prohibited literature, 123 video-cassettes were found.
Inflation processes cover all spheres of Azerbaijan, as well as the business of ritual services. The prices for mourning procedures increased considerably, and cost approximately 7,000 manat.

February 23

Citizens of Nardaran settlement conducted the action of protest against publication of cartoon on the Prophet Mohammed.

February 25

Court of Appeal remained in force the sentence passed by first instance against the main accused Sayid Dadashbeyli.
* Sayid Dadashbeyli and 14 young people were accused under several Articles of the Criminal Code: creation of a criminal group. High treason, preparation and selling of false money, drug possession, possession of fire guns, and for cooperation with secret services of Iran.

February 27

The employees of the National Security Ministry conducted operation in the Abu Bekr Mosque, and confiscated 600 copies of prohibited religious books in the shops located near the mosque. The owners of shops were detained.

February 28

Two-day international seminar "Islamic financing and its perspectives in the Azerbaijan Republic" organized by Azerbaijan’s Marketing Society took place in the Irshad Hotel. Main principles of the activity of the Islamic Bank, and the position of Islam in the economic and financial questions were discussed.

New religious magazine "Karvan» was published by ANS.

Head of CMD Allahshukur Pashazade made a visit to Turkey on

February 25-28.

During his meetings with the President of Turkey Abdulla Gul, Prime Minister Racep Tayip Erdogan and the head of the religious department Ali Bardakoglu they discussed the perspectives of consolidation of the efforts of Turkic people in the resolution of common problems. A. Pashazade awarded "Sheikh ul Islam" order to Erdogan. A.Pashazade participated also in the ceremony of funeral of Turkish soldiers died as a result of operation against terrorist PKK organization; and he participated also in the ceremony of the m monument to the victims of Hojali tragedy.

February 29

Head of CMD Allahshukur Pashazade called on Islamic states to strengthen measures for the insult of religious values. OIC should adopt a decision about impossibility of religious intolerance; Pashazade said commenting on the information about repeated publication by Danish newspapers of cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed.
Any state must provide the freedom of religion regardless of their confessional belonging, Pashazade said.

Head of CMD Allahshukur Pashazade condemned the placing of armed forces of the Kurdish Working Party (PKK) in Azerbaijan’s territories occupied by Armenia.


Religious rights of citizen are violated again

On February 28 the ombudswoman Elmira Suleymanova received the teacher of School 20 Natalya Melnikova. Suleymanov sent appeal to Education Ministry to investigate the situation. The parents of pupils which attend her classes told many goods things about Melnikova and characterized her as a very positive teacher. Melnikova has been working in that school since 19 years old, and is loved by all her pupils.

The Chairman of the Center to Protect Freedom of Consciousness and Religion (DEVAMM) Ilgar Ibrahimoglu said that in 2002 they Center received a letter against illegal actions of the leadership of the school against Melnikova, in particular her wearing hijab.
"Six years ago we managed to settle the problem. But the Education Ministry must give assessment to the actions of the school leadership, and we are waiting for objective assessment. I think that the Director of school Acer Hojayev exceeded his power, and currently we try to protect Melnikova’s rights," Ibrahimoglu said.
The Director of the Human Rights Center Eldar Zeynalov said there were some serious concerning moments in that story. The teacher could not eliminate her colleague’s lesson; there are all state attributes in Melnikova’s class; they say that she did not allow the presence of state attributes, did not like some state holidays; the other version is that the Director wanted to sell Melnikova’s post to some others at higher price. The matter is that 10 years ago Melnikova accepted Islam, but then she did not have problems with Hijab. It is better that court investigate the matter. Zeynalov said.



Nariman Gasimoglu at the target of fundamentalists.
“Ahli-Beyt” group said to be operating in “Hadji Soltan Ali” mosque declared jihad against the theologian-scholar, the author of translation of Koran



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